Complete series
Getting on is a satirical British black comedy series written by its core cast Jo Brand, Vicki Pepperdine and Joanna Scanlan and directed by Peter Capaldi and Susan Tully. It has a total of 15 episodes across 3 seasons. It was originally premiered from 8 July 2009 to 21 November 2012. This darkly comic is based on a geriatric ward in a rundown NHS hospital where a grumpy nurse, anxious doctors and administrator wrestlers look after the elderly. The main cast of this plot includes Jo Brand, Vicki Pepperdine, Joanna Scanlan and Ricky Grover.
So if you are the one who is searching for the complete series Getting on,then don’t worry you are at the right place as here you will get the access for the complete series at minimal cost with hassle free experience.
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Other Information
Country of origin
Language | English |
Subtitle | Nil |
Total Season | 3 |
Total Episode | 15 |
Producer | Peter Capaldi and Susan Tully |
Cast |
Jo Brand, Vicki Pepperdine and Joanne Scanlan
Rating | |
File Size | |
Format | |
Time Duration | 7.5 hrs |
Type | Digital Download |
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All the Seasons of This Series is Uploaded in our Google Drive After Payment Confirmation you Will get Google Drive Direct Access Link on your Email and you can access through Customer Dashboard also Reviews :
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1. How many seasons are in Getting on series? |
There are total 3 seasons. |
2. How many episodes are in Getting on series? |
There are total 15 Episodes. |
3. when was Getting on first season released? |
First Season Was Launched on 8 July 2009. |
4. when was Getting on last episode aired? |
Last Episode Was aired on 21 November 2012. |
5. Who were the cast in Getting on series? |
The main cast are Jo Brand, Vicki Pepperdine and Joanne Scanlan.
6. Where to watch or stream Getting on series? |
you can watch the series on any video player browser after you get access to the google drive.
7. why you should buy Getting on series as digital Download instead of dvd?
It is easy to access and cost effective than DVD products.
8. why you should buy Getting on series From Us & what is process?
on an average we charge less than the market price of the same products with customer reliability. All the seasons of this series is uploaded in our google drive after payment confirmatiom you will get google drive access link on your email.
1 review for Getting On UK Complete Series